Read Your Baby Like A Book

Did you know that you can tell a lot from just looking at your baby’s body, and observing his cues in the early days and weeks? There are three stand-out ‘types’ of babies:

  1. For instance, if Baby is a pleasantly plump baby, loves his milk and food and has smooth skin, he will be easy to please, enjoy contact with others and chances are, sleep deeply. He might be prone to sniffles though, and just a little more relaxed about starting to sit, crawl and walk.
  2. Petite babies who suffer from cramps and colic and are rather high-need in the early months, will often be less keen on sleep. However, they’re very bright and curious but may be moody and tend to separation anxiety. Chances are, Baby will be prone to dry skin and allergies too.
  3. If your baby has a medium build, intense eyes and seems determined, he will cry seldom but loudly and purposefully. He may pass wind frequently, and you’d better not keep him waiting for milk or food. What’s more, he probably won’t take kindly to being picked up by strangers.

Crying cues

If your baby’s crying and you need to know what to make of it, consult this list:

  • Tense, drawn-up limbs  – the birth might have been a difficult one and massage, chiropractic or homeopathic remedies could help
  • A red, scrunched up face – Baby’s frustrated and probably wants food
  • Pulling, rubbing or swiping of ears – Baby’s tired and comforting or a walk is called for
  • Baby’s abdomen feels hard and tense – wind or colic is likely

Keeping perspective isn’t always easy, so bear these pointers in mind:

  • Baby might be too hot or cold – feel in the nape of his neck to check.
  • A loud, strident cry without an obvious cause is seldom associated with serious illness.
  • Ill babies usually whimper or cry softly and pitifully, and will have other signs of illness.
  • A cry that is higher pitched than normal may indicate an ear infection.
  • Check that no ribbons or tight garments are restricting blood flow.
  • Listen out for a dry, raspy cry which might indicate a sore throat.
  • A cry that ends with a bark-like cough might be croup.
  • Incessant crying could be caused by various illnesses, like urinary tract reflux, and will need to be diagnosed by a doctor.